Martyred Intellectuals Day is today

Martyred Intellectuals Day is today

News Desk, The CNN :

Today is December 14 (Thursday), Martyred Intellectuals Day. On this day in 1971, the occupying Pakistani forces and their accomplices Razakar Al-Badr, Al-Shamsra killed the best intellectuals of Bengal. The day is considered as a black chapter in the history of freedom and freedom struggle of the country.

A national program has been taken to celebrate Martyred Intellectuals Day with due dignity. Today morning at 7:00 am President and Prime Minister at 7:00 am will lay wreath at Mirpur Shaheed Intellectual Memorial. Led by the Minister of Liberation War, the family members of the martyred intellectuals and the war wounded and present brave freedom fighters will lay wreaths at the Mirpur Intellectuals Memorial at 7:22 am and at the Rayerbazar Massacre Memorial at 8:30 am. Apart from this, people from all walks of life can lay wreaths at the intellectual memorial from 8:30 am.

Under the leadership of the Liberation War Affairs Minister, the family members of the martyred intellectuals and the war wounded and present valiant freedom fighters will lay wreaths at Mirpur Intellectuals Memorial at 7:22 am and at Roy’s Bazaar Massacre Memorial at 8:30 am on the same day. Besides, people from all walks of life will lay wreaths at the intellectual memorial from 8:30 am.

On the occasion of the day, President Md. Sahabuddin and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina gave separate messages.

President Md. Sahabuddin said in his speech, their (intellectuals’) sacrifice will be worthwhile only if they can build a happy and prosperous Sonar Bengal based on the spirit of non-communal and liberation war by following the ideals of the martyred intellectuals.

He also said that on this day in 1971, the Pakistani invading forces and their local allies brutally killed many eminent people including academicians, doctors, scientists, writers, journalists and artists of the country on the eve of the final victory of the great liberation war. He remembered those sun children of the nation, martyred intellectuals with deep respect, sought forgiveness for their departed souls and expressed deep condolences to the bereaved family members of the martyrs.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said in her speech, “On Martyr Intellectuals Day, I unite everyone regardless of party affiliation and unitedly resist the killers of 1971, anti-humanity-war criminal Jamaat-fundamentalist gang and any plot-conspiracy of the country and anti-democratic evil forces for the development and progress of the country and the continuity of democracy.” I urge you to continue to fulfill your responsibilities from your position.

He also said that Martyr Intellectuals Day is a shameful day in the history of Bangladesh. In the last days of the great liberation war, the Pakistani invading forces, the anti-independence evil forces and their allies brutally killed Bengali intellectuals to make Bangladesh devoid of talent, knowing that defeat was certain. He paid deep respect to the martyred intellectuals and the heroic martyrs of the liberation war and wished for the salvation of their departed souls.
Awami League has announced a detailed program like every year on the occasion of the day. At sunrise today, the black flag will be hoisted and the national and party flags will be kept at half mast at the party’s central office, Bangabandhu Bhavan and offices of nationwide organizations. Awami League will lay wreath at the Mirpur Martyr Intellectual Memorial at 7 am. Awami League will pay tribute to the portrait of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Bangabandhu Bhavan at 7:30 am and at Ray’s Bazar slaughterhouse at 8:30 am.

On the occasion of the day, Awami League has organized a discussion meeting at Bangabandhu International Conference Center in the capital at 3 pm. Awami League President and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will preside over the meeting.

Martyred intellectuals include – Professor Munir Chowdhury, Dr. Alim Chowdhury, Professor Muniruzzaman, Dr. Fazle Rabbi, Journalist Siraj Uddin Hossain, Shahidullah Kaiser, Professor GC Dev, Jyotirmoy Guha Thakurta, Professor Santosh Bhattacharya, Mofazzal Haider Chowdhury, Professor Ghiyas Uddin, Professor Anwar Pasha, Professor Rashidul Hasan, Dr. Abul Khair, Dr. Murtaza, journalist Khandaker Abu Taher, Nizamuddin Ahmed, SA Mannan (Ladu Bhai), ANM Ghulam Mostafa, Syed Nazmul Haque, Selina Parveen and many others.


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