Draft voter list released, 11 crore 97 lakh voters

Draft voter list released, 11 crore 97 lakh voters

Correspondent, The CNN :

The National Election Commission (EC) has released the updated draft voter list. EC Secretariat Additional Secretary Ashok Kumar Debnath gave this information at 12 noon on Sunday (January 21).

He said that on March 2 of last year, the number of voters was 604,450,724 male, 587,879 female, and 837 of the third gender. Total 11 crore 91 lakh 51 thousand 440 people. After the update from March 2 to September 14, the number of voters in the country stands at 6 crore 7 lakh 69 thousand 741, female 5 crore 89 lakh 18 thousand 699, third gender 849. Total voters are 11 crore 96 lakh 89 thousand 289 people.

Ashok Kumar Debnath said, every upazila and thana election office of the country will have this list. Objections can be raised against the presence of foreign voters, dead voters, fake voters in the draft list. The Election Commission will publish the final list on March 2 after settling the objections. The next upazila election will be based on this list.


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