December is the month of victory

December is the month of victory

Own Correspondent, The CNN :

December is the month of glorious victory. The Bengali nation’s 9 months of bloody struggle and 3 million martyrs and numerous mothers and sisters lost their honor in exchange for success started in this month. Bengali won the final victory in the Great War of Liberation on 16th December 1971.

In celebration of this auspicious month, various programs are taken up by various institutions and political, social, cultural and professional organizations as well as fair national programs every year. A victory rally will be organized by Dhaka University at 11 o’clock today.

It will exit from Smriti Chirantan Chatwar (street adjacent to Upacharya Bhavan) and end at Swadhati Chatwar in Suhrawardy Udyan. At the end of the rally, Vice-Chancellor Dr. ASM Maqsud Kamal will speak and patriotic songs (liberation songs and victory songs) will be performed with the participation of teachers and students of Dhaka University Music Department.

On March 26, 1971, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman declared the independence of Bangladesh. The Bengali nation continued a long struggle to free itself from the shackles of thousands of years. In the continuation of this movement-struggle, the movement formed under the leadership of Bangabandhu against the colonial rule, exploitation and torture of Pakistan turned into a freedom struggle. In his historic speech on March 7, Bangabandhu gave directions to the nation to make final preparations for the liberation war. The Pakistani junta began to prepare internally to stop the Bengali independence movement. On the night of March 25, the Pakistani military barbarically attacked the innocent people of Bangladesh. After that, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib declared independence in the early hours of March 26. Bangabandhu was arrested by the Pakistani occupation forces. The Bengali extermination campaign of the barbaric Pakistani forces began.

Stand up against the brutality of Pakistan and take up arms. The bloody liberation war began. After nine long months of fighting against the Pakistani forces, Bengalis started to rush towards victory after the war of liberation. In December, the Liberation War reached the brink of final victory.

Pakistan was forced to surrender after the heroic death of freedom fighters. Bangladesh won the liberation war in that context. Pakistan formally surrendered on 16 December.


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